Eight Limbs of Yoga Sutras


The first question which arises is how many yoga sutras are there? Patanjali categories yoga in his Yoga Sutras into 8 limbs of yoga practice:

Yama, Niyam, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharna, Dhayana, and Samadhi.

Ashtanga: The Eight Limbs in the Yoga Sutras and the Bhagavad Gita -  Integral Yoga® Magazine

The Yamas are the values that one must cultivate for personal development. Patanjali mentions five of these Yamas. Nonviolence, or ahimsa, is the first Yama. Humans must practice nonviolence if they are to develop as individuals. They will eventually be able to separate from their wrath and all other vices associated with “violence.” Truthfulness, or Satya, is the second Yama. Once more, by telling the truth, you protect yourself from all the vices that one lie brings with it.

Eight Limbs of Yoga Sutras

The other two Yamas are Brahmacharya (chastity) and Aparigraha (non-possessiveness). Brahmacharya is the cessation of all sexual inclinations. Aparigraha asserts that you have no property. You see if you don’t own anything, you may say that “nothing owns you.” According to Patanjali, Niyama, the second limb, is all about the behaviors we should cultivate.

Yamas are all about “don’ts” (i.e., what you shouldn’t do), and Niyamas are all about “does,” to put it simply (what you should do). The third limb is asana. The asana is a relaxed position that you can maintain for a while. You must understand that an uncomfortable posture is not an asana.

The fourth limb is pranayama, which focuses on breath regulation. The fifth and sixth limbs are referred to as Pratyahara and Dharana, respectively.

The transition from the outer to the internal world takes place from Pratyahara. One only connects with their inner self after practicing Dhayana, or meditation, which is the seventh limb of yoga. “Union of body, mind, and spirit” occurs after passing through all of the aforementioned stages. Samadhi, the eighth and final limb according to Patanjali, can only be realized after that.

Read More: 8 Limbs of Yoga

Effects of 8 Limbs of Yoga

Eight Limbs of Yoga SutrasAs per the 8 limbs of yoga, the idea of “salvation” is a little unusual. You won’t practice yoga for salvation, I’m pretty sure if you start your morning routine with it. That seems like a stretch, doesn’t it? Most likely, you’ll do it to accomplish your material objectives, which are closer at hand. And I can assure you that yoga will aid you greatly in the process.

Effect of yoga on physical health

Yoga has a wide range of health advantages for the body. Yoga improves your body’s blood circulation, which allows more oxygen to get to your brain. When you do yoga, every cell in your body breathes. It aids in accelerating the process of body tissue repair and healing as well as the production of new, healthy cells. Yoga has advantages for your skin as well. Your skin will start to glow as soon as you start practicing 8 limbs of yoga consistently. The advantages of pranayama and power yoga are immense.

Effect of yoga on mental health

Yoga is the getaway in a society where worry and despair are more common expressions. Your anxiousness will lessen and your mind will be at ease thanks to yoga. Additionally, it improves attention and prevents your mind from being overly analytical.

With all these advantages of yoga, you can now proceed steadily toward your objective without being derailed by an illness of any type. I would add, “A healthy mind lives in a healthy body,” to put it simply. And via yoga, you can transform your body into the residence of a sound mind.

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