100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

Foundation Course to become an internationally Certified Yoga Teacher

100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

The Path to Becoming a Yoga Teacher in India

Course Information

Whether you are interested in pursuing a career in teaching yoga or taking your practice to the next level, the 100-Hour Yoga Alliance Teacher Training in Rishikesh is a great option. This training is designed to take beginners and aspiring yoga teachers through the basics.

During the course, you will learn how to teach basic poses, the history of Yoga, and the philosophy behind Yoga. You will also learn about the history of Indian culture and tradition and will be introduced to the traditional Hatha yoga practices. You will also learn about pranayama and meditation.

The 100-Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India, is designed for people of all levels and ages. Students are encouraged to participate in all classes. The classes are designed to help students develop a safe and nurturing environment. The classes are also a great way to experience new sensations in the body.

Students will also learn about the history of the practice of Yoga and how it can help improve their life. During the course, students will be instructed to apply the basic yoga poses to their lives. They will also learn how to modify their vision and personality. This will help students become a better version of themselves. The 100-Hour Yoga Teacher Course in Rishikesh is designed to teach students how to share their passion for Yoga with others. The program also includes training on how to teach students in a way that helps them develop a deep connection with their spirituality and mind-body-soul connection.

Yoga Teacher Training School in Rishikesh, India

Whether you are a beginner or a yoga teacher, Yoga Teacher Training School in Rishikesh is the place for you. The teachers are very friendly and well-trained. The classes are small and intimate. The facilities are clean, quiet and well-maintained.

The training center is very close to the Ganges river and has beautiful scenery. It is only a short walk from downtown Rishikesh. Aside from Yoga, the center also offers retreats, workshops, and Ayurveda. It is a well-known yoga school in India. It teaches different yoga scriptures and meditation. The courses are arranged for beginners and advanced levels. It also offers two weeks retreats and one-week retreats.

Students have the option of choosing the course according to their budget.

The teachers try to create a positive atmosphere for students. Moreover, the school offers simple, nutritious food. The staff is also helpful. The staff at this school is friendly and humorous. They have a deep knowledge of the subjects and are helpful. They greet all the accommodations with a smile. They are family and friends of the staff. They are approachable and encourage suggestions to enhance the student experience.

300 hour yoga training in Rishikesh
300 hour yoga training

Oceanic Yoga School in India

Affiliated by the Yoga Alliance, USA

The natural view from the Oceanic Yoga Ashram is simply breath-taking. Our ashram is  just ten minutes away from Morjim beach and is located on a hillock overlooking Arabian Sea. It is also home to a variety of birds. You will have a wonderful swimming pool from where you can watch the sun setting in the Ocean and it is one of the most beautiful view point for sunset in the entire Goa. The location is blessed with lush green nature where you can find lots of fruit bearing trees like mangos, guava, chikkus (Sapodilla Plums), coconuts, mangosteen, cashew nuts ,date palms,banyan trees, bananas and many more.

Some of our students describe the place as ” The Himalayas of Goa” as it holds the silence and serenity of the Himalayas  and it is secluded but safe, just 10 minutes away from the beach.

Oceanic Yoga School is rated as one of the best places for Yoga Teachers Training and Yoga & Ayurveda Retreats in India. Here you will get all the support systems, techniques, knowledge, and guidance that you may need to become a confident and knowledgeable Yoga Teacher. The cottages are simply marvelous and are airconditioned. It has a balcony and many of our cottages provides view of Arabian Sea.

The food is vegetarian or vegan on demand. Ashram offers wellness activities and Ayurvedic treatments, Hydro therapy and rejuvenation therapies. This is an ideal place for spiritual seekers to explore the traditional Ayurveda and Yoga in India.

Inner Transformation

Are you looking for a profound and deeper transformation with in you? Want to take yoga beyond the mat? A life style change? Meeting the higher self within? If these thoughts are crossing in you then you are in the right place.

Authentic Knowledge

Do you want to learn yoga from authentic source? We are a group of committed and sincere people with more than 16 years of experience behind what we are offering

Teach With Confidence

Do you want to become a teacher who have the right teaching methodologies, skills, and knowledge to teach?

100-Hour Yoga TTC : Course Curriculum

When you choose a 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Rishikesh, it’s essential to focus on what it will teach you. It offers a practical understanding of teaching yoga. You will learn about the fundamentals of the practice, as well as methods to share it with others around the world. It offers a hands-on training program that includes all the essential elements of Yoga i.e.

What You Will Learn

  • Students will gain extensive knowledge on yoga postures and will increase their physical strength, inner strength and naturally their flexibility. Some asanas are connected to certain mind patterns and throughout the training this body/mind connection will get more clear in many ways.
  • There will be assistance with the asanas and space for alignment. The focus is on hatha yoga and there will be some ashtanga yoga classes as well.
  • During the 100 hours course you will learn more than 50 traditional and dynamic Hatha yoga asana poses as well as a minimum of 20 Ashtanga poses.
  • Pranayama is an ancient yogic breathing technique that is used as preparation for meditation and is a vital aspect of practising yoga. It improves the respiratory system and purifies the body and mind. Pranayama topics include an introduction, aspects of pranayama, different types of prana and types of yogic breathing.
  • Nadi Shodhana (alternate nostril breathing)
  • Ujjayi (the psychic or victorious breath)
  • Shitkari (hissing breath)
  • Sheetali (cooling breath)
  • Kapalabhati (frontal brain cleansing breath)
  • Bhramari (humming bee breath)
  • Bhastrika (bellows breath)
  • Suryabheda (vitality stimulating breath) including advance variations.
  • Yogic cleansing exercises are important to learn how to incorporate your breath and meditate properly during physical aspects of yoga. It also removes the blockages in the energy channels. This will include
  • Jala Neti
  • Sutra Neti
  • Vamana Dhauti
  • Kapalabhati
  • Uddiyana Bhanda
  • The purpose of mantra chanting in yoga is to generate vibrations and connect with the universe. Each mantra has it�s unique vibration.
  • Pratah Smarana (morning prayer)
  • Ratri Smarana (evening prayer)
  • Anna purna stotra (meal time prayer)
  • Swadhyaya Prarthana (study prayer)
  • Some other prayer: maha-mrtyunjaya mantra and gayatri mantra
  • The practice of mudra is an ancient facet of yoga. Performing gestures effects the energy flow of the body and can change a person’s spiritual and mental characteristics.
  • Jnana mudra
  • Chin mudra
  • Yoni mudra
  • Bhairava mudra
  • Shambhavi mudra

When a yoga practitioner moves through the various internal states of Yoga Nidra, a profound experience of relaxation occurs. This is called “turiya,” a sensation of pure bliss. This will cover basic relaxation, tension relaxation, and full body relaxation

  • Meditation is a systematic practice that promotes physical, mental, and emotional tranquillity. It increases the vital energy in the body and gives you more aliveness, good blood circulation and a relaxed nervous system.
  • Breathing awareness meditation
  • AUM (Om) or mantra meditation
  • Trataka
  • Tips for developing concentration
  • Silence practice
  • A yoga teacher should efficiently perform the practical applications of class planning and preparation. At Triguna Yoga, students will learn how to create a positive and peaceful class environment for an enjoyable and transformative experience. You will learn:
  • How to plan and structure a yoga asana class
  • Principles of demonstration
  • Qualities of a teacher and teaching styles
  • How to use the breath and voice while teaching
  • Observing, assisting and correcting
  • Verbal cues
  • Functional modifications, injuries and safety precautions
  • Guidelines for each asana (as per manual)
  • Assisting inversions
  • Students will take turns practicing their teaching skills by performing in front of their peers and teachers. There will be demonstration, alignment, and instructions.You will learn:
  • Symptoms of a good teacher
  • Clear instruction
  • Demonstration
  • Proper alignment
  • Individual care of each student
  • Proper understanding of the physical body will help to prevent injury before, during, and after practice.
  • Physical anatomy and physiology (bodily systems, organs, etc.) and energy anatomy and physiology (chakras, nadis, etc). Includes both the study of the subject and application of its principles to yoga practice (benefits, contraindications, healthy movement patterns).
  • Practical anatomy with a major emphasis on muscular and skeletal structures and in-depth study of anatomical and skeletal differences (i.e. compression, tension, and proportion and orientation theory)
  • Introduction to different body systems
  • Proper alignment
  • Skeletal system, muscular system, connective tissue, nervous system, major kriyas ts of the body
  • Breathing and respiratory system
  • Practical applications of anatomy into postures
  • Therapeutic applications of postures and working with injuries in asana class
  • Emotional detoxification kriyas a combination of removing knots in the body through pressing points, breathing techniques, release through sound and laughter and meditation. It is a three day program and very effective to release the effect of emotions and other toxins in the body.
  • Body points
  • Treatment Structure
  • Theory & Lecture
  • Bhairava mudra
  • Treatment Practice
  • Relationship between emotional accumulation in body and thought pattern
  • Yoga philosophy is the foundation of our yoga practice and is the key to earn yogic strength. Through the path of yogic philosophy, you will establish a solid, well-rounded yoga practice.
  • Meaning of yoga, concepts, history
  • Four paths of yoga (Jnana, Raja, Bhakti, Karma Yoga)
  • Ashtanga Yoga & Hatha Yoga
  • Prana (bioplasmic energy)
  • The chakra system, its qualities, activating and balancing techniques
  • Energy or nadi system
  • Meditation: introduction, practices, meditation and mind, removal of mental problems
  • Guru and disciple relationship
  • Kriya Yoga
  • Five types of bodies (sheaths or koshas)

You will learn about the 5 elements and how to use them to detoxify body and mind. Mud, water and air (breathing) therapy will be practiced and there are teachings about how to increase fire and ether element in life

Yoga Detox Retreats

In our best yoga teacher training, you all get special Yoga Detox retreats to help detoxify your body and boost your immune system. This includes Ayurvedic cleansing practices and colon hydrotherapy to help your body ward off harmful toxins. These retreats can be gentle or more rigorous. A detox cleanse involves changing your eating habits and drinking plenty of water. It will improve your health, including transforming your mind and emotions. It will also help you feel lighter and more energized.

Detox retreats should be an experience where you relax in nature and discover yourself. You will also be able to renew your meditation practice and deepen your yoga practice. This is an excellent way to take control of your health. Some retreats even offer a juice cleanse to help the detox process.

Aside from being a great way to detoxify the body and mind, a yoga detox retreat also helps attendees develop a “can-do” attitude that they can carry with them into their daily lives. These newfound attitudes can lead to a healthier lifestyle. Participants engage in specific yoga poses that support the body’s detoxification process. These poses typically target the digestive organs and aid the body’s waste elimination. In addition, you’ll enjoy a relaxing vacation in a tranquil setting where beautiful nature and native wildlife surround you.

1. Releasing Emotional Blocks

Emotional blockages can be harmful to your body and mind. They lead to physical aches and pains, mental disorders, and even depression. However, the proper treatment can help you overcome these blockages. This retreat focuses on releasing emotional blocks with the help of Yoga poses and meditation. In addition to removing physical blockages, it can also improve your overall health. Read on to find out how you can benefit from this retreat.

During the retreat, you will experience a pranayama session on the rooftop. A Yogasana practice will follow this. Afterward, you’ll be served breakfast. As the retreat closes, the leader will announce the date and time of your check-out.

2. Naturopathy and Yoga Detox Retreat

The Naturopathy and Yoga Detox Retreat bring science, tradition, and spirituality together. The emphasis is on healing the body, mind, and soul. The retreat incorporates the five elements of nature, which have been used to treat various ailments throughout the ages. Students are taught techniques for utilizing these elements in their daily lives and will have to follow strict instructions. In addition to learning about natural medicine, participants will also experience an emotional detox program. This program will give participants a better understanding of the power of the breath and its impact on health.

The holistic approach of Naturopathy is powerful in healing and improving your health. It stimulates the body’s natural self-healing system and helps you achieve optimum health. It enables you to improve your overall well-being and helps you maintain a positive outlook on life. It can help you overcome problems like weight and fatigue and boost your energy and vitality.

Ready for the Plunge?

Our 100-hour Yoga teacher training in Rishikesh is designed to give you valuable techniques, methodologies, and knowledge to develop and flourish in your yoga journey. Your confidence level will improve as you gain the right expertise to teach and inspire others. With these authentic, committed, and sincere transmission, you will adapt yourself to any given situations in life in class and outside by remining  grounded and connected with your higher self. Physical, mental and emotional wellbeing is a natural outcome of your committed practice when you participate in our programs as it is designed to evolve human consciousness and health with mystical wisdom behind.

100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training India Rishikesh

Upcoming 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training India Rishikesh (2023-2024)

Start DateEnd DateRoom Per 3 ShareRoom Per 2 SharePrivate Room
TBDTBD€ 575€ 640€ 740Apply Now

Daily Schedule

06:30-07:30 AM

Shatkarma And Kriyas

07:30-09:30 AM

Pranayama And Morning Asana Practice

09:30-10:30 AM

Naturopathy Treatment

10:30-11:30 PM


11:30 AM-1:00 PM

Yoga Philosophy or Anatomy Class

01:00-03:00 PM

Lunch and Rest

03:00-04:00 PM

Yoga Alignment

04:00-04:30 PM

Tea Break

04:30-06:00 PM

Evening Asana Practice

06:30-07:30 PM

Meditation /Yoga Nidra/ Self-Study

08:00-09:00 PM


Note: The schedule mentioned above is a sample and can change on a batch-to-batch basis.

All Package includes

  • 13 nights accommodation
  • Daily 3 Times vegetarian food
  • Certificate of completion
  • 1 notebook and a pen
  • 1 neti pot and 1 basti pot

Why Choose Oceanic Yoga

One of the oldest Yoga School in Goa

Oceanic Yoga started its foundation in Goa in 2007, India. Many experienced Yoga practitioners and beautiful souls were drawn to the Ashram and joined Oceanic Yoga’s teaching team, and shared their knowledge with the best.  More than 2500 students graduated through us.

Oceanic Yoga is a Registered Yoga School in Goa by Yoga Alliance, and our teachers are experienced and qualified to teach Yoga Teacher Training Courses and Yoga Retreats. Oceanic Yoga school helps students to learn, transform, and spread their love and light to the world.

Awareness, yoga, meditation, harmony, peace, and self-transformation are the qualities we uphold for the school and for our Yoga Teacher Training Students. The school professes that teaching yoga and meditation goes beyond just being a job or business, but rather a way of living. Teaching yoga is another way to instil one’s own yoga and meditation practice regularly. Yoga teacher training program is to deepen your learning and teaching abilities and developing yourself as a more rounded and grounded teacher and person. We can embrace the fact that we are both the student and teacher at the same time. To be a teacher is a great responsibility and necessity to our world that need great teacher more than ever. Millions of people are groping in the dark and suffering with psychological and emotional challenges, unaware of the opportunity that yoga and meditation practices bring to focus life perspectives towards the positive. Now, the world is going through critical time where intense vibrations seem to overwhelm our potential inner calm. Through the practice of yoga, we can become the eye in the storm and dedicate our attention, intention and focus to resonate with positivity within us and let it spread unconditionally to those that come to us to learn, take refuge or be inspired.

Experienced Yoga School

Oceanic Yoga School is an experienced yoga school providing professional yoga education since 2007 in the traditional systems of Ashtanga and Hatha Yoga. We have the best and ideal Yoga Ashram in North Goa for anyone who want to experience the beauty and luxury of nature along with Yoga, Mediation, Ayurvedic Massage, Swimming Pool with Ocean view and delicious and variety of vegetarian Indian dishes without the hotness of chilies. 🌶️

2500+ Yoga Teachers Certified

Over 2500 students got trained through us since 2007 and thus gained proficiency in designing impactful courses and how to deliver it to the aspirants in the perfect way and format. Many of our students are running yoga studios successfully in their own countries.

Ideal Location

Oceanic Yoga School in Goa is located on a small hillock overlooking Arabian Sea with a swimming pool having a feeling of infinite sky and ocean meeting each other. The cottages are with balconies and are air-conditioned whole property is surrounded by   lots of trees and still just 10 minutes from the beach.

Authentic, Committed, and Sincere
Yoga Teachers and Meditators

We are a small group of people who are committed their life for self-growth and yoga and we believe that spreading yoga and meditation is one of the best things we can do in the world to participate in collective consciousness upliftment.

Our Core Values

Integrity, Authenticity and Commitment

Souls behind Oceanic richness of meditation, love care and sincerity to the work at hand. You will learn from teachers who are also student of life and have done intense yoga from early days of life at traditional Indian Vedic schools. As Yoga is a life style and not limited to the yoga mat. We have imbibed from traditions and expanded and applied to modern life situations with mystical guidance. As everyone is unique, the attentions in the classrooms given are suitable and aligned with the type of the body and mind one possesses. Our devotion to what we are doing makes and impact in every students experience and assist each one to move to your higher self during your time with us. We are passionately committed be rest assured that the highest professional standard in training and support is provided.

Is This Course For You?



Our Yoga Ashram

yoga teacher training course

Oceanic Yoga Ashram India Goa

A registered Yoga school (RYS) in India is an opportunity to learn about the ancient practice of Yoga and its many benefits. One of the most beautiful places to train to be a Yoga teacher in India is Goa. The state is famous for its bohemian vibe, reflected in the Oceanic Yoga Center, where a 200-hour Yoga TTC can be completed. Expert gurus guide students on their way through the instructive path. Most programs are conducted at our ashram which is surrounded by fascinating landscapes and natural beauty. It is an ideal location away from the city and stressful modern life.

The natural view from the Oceanic Yoga Center is simply breathtaking.

The training for yoga teacher Goa is located in a beautiful location, just ten minutes away from Morjim beach.

It is also home to a variety of birds. So the best yoga teacher training India is the perfect place for you to practice Yoga and live a healthy lifestyle.

Oceanic Yoga Center is rated as one of the best places for Yoga Teachers Training and Yoga & Ayurveda Retreats in India. Here you get all the amenities you need to train to become a Yoga teacher. With eco-friendly rooms and healthy vegetarian food, this is an ideal place for spiritual seekers to explore the traditional Ayurveda and Yoga in India. The food is vegetarian or vegan (on demand).

Get Deeper Understanding

This 100-hour yoga Teacher Training course in India will provide you with a deeper understanding of the following subjects and skills:

yoga teacher certification

Yoga Philosophy

Understanding the ancient philosophy of Yoga, concepts like prana, chakras, mind, karma, etc in an analytical and non-sectarian way.

Who Can Benefit from Yoga Teacher Training in India?

Hatha Yoga and Ashtanga Yoga

Gain a deep understanding of the alignments, instructions, benefits, contraindications, physiology of Hatha Yoga poses.

Everything You Need to Know About Yoga Teacher Training in India

Anatomy and Energy Anatomy

You’ll be learning how yoga poses affect our physical and astral bodies, can help improve our health, flexibility, and overall function of our organs. Understanding the advanced principles of human anatomy and physiology, enabling you to avoid injuries in your practice.


See the beautiful memories of our past 300 hour yoga teacher training courses at our Yoga Ashram in India. Click on the button to view our photo gallery and get an idea of what this transformational experience holds in store for you.

Our Team

yoga teacher in India

Vishal Sharma

Mr. Vishal Sharma is a certified yoga trainer. He has completed a master of arts in Yogic science. He has also done a one-year diploma in Yoga and 500 hours TTC. Master of Arts in Yogic Science from Uttarakhand Sanskrit University in 2018. Certificate of participation in the Yogasan Championship organized by Shri Jai Ram Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya in April 2017. Certificate of participation in the International Yoga Festival for one week in March 2017. Certificate of Uttarakhand Yoga Culture Federation affiliated with Department of Ayush Ministry of Family and Health Welfare Govt. Of India.
yoga teacher in India

Siddhant Ji

Siddhant, whose root is “Deep in the Spiritual” and his flowering is “Outside”. He left his house for the sake of knowledge after his graduation, Bachelor in Science (B.Sc.). He visited different places for the sake of Spiritual Awakening and finally came to Rishikesh and started his intense spiritual practice near the presence of holy river Ganga and the Himalaya. By the time, he frequently visited different great Sadhus and Yogis to unlock the secret of life and to discover the unique spiritual practices. Those techniques have a very powerful impact on Siddhant to his spiritual transformation. He spent years with the different spiritual Masters and Yogis in Himalaya and all over India. In the guidance of great Yogis, he learned and practiced various types of Yoga with proper understanding. After years of serving, learning and practicing, Siddhant chose ‘The Path of Yoga’ to serve humanity. He has been guiding the students, different aspects of Yoga, some unique tips and techniques for growth and success since years. Siddhant focused on the Yoga Philosophy, Meditation and Pranayama as these all develop the right Understanding and the attitude of Gratitude in you for your growth.
registered yoga teacher training

Hari Ji

He had envisioned of opening up of a yoga school that presents yoga in its true essence combined with the traditional detoxification science of Naturopathy. A large part of Hari Ji’s childhood was spent in serving and taking care of hundreds of sages and sadhus. Being a national level player in his youth, yoga was an essential part of his routine. However, he realized that in present times, the bodies of most people are full of emotional and other kinds of garbage, which hinders one’s growth. This led him to develop “Emotional Blockage” treatments as well as using Naturopathy detoxification.

Worldwide Accredited Certification

With our certificate, you will be qualified to teach yoga worldwide. We are accredited with Yoga Alliance USA and this certificate will enable you to register yourself with Yoga Alliance USA. You can start teaching yoga globally once you complete your 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training.

yoga teacher training course

How to Register?

Become an Internationally Certified Yoga Teacher in 10 Days

With our certificate, you will be qualified to teach yoga worldwide. You can become a member with yoga alliance by registering yourself in their website. The registration process is self explanatory and we will guide you through the process.
yoga teacher training in rishikesh

Our Assurance

For over 16 years, our yoga teacher training in India has stood the test of time, gaining recognition and trust from countless students. We take pride in assuring you that this course will equip you with accurate and comprehensive knowledge of yoga, delve into the profound teachings of yogic philosophy, enhance your teaching skills, and provide ample practical training to empower you with the confidence to guide others on their yoga journey effortlessly.

RYT 100

As a graduate of Oceanic Yoga, we are delighted to offer you a special privilege. You will receive a complimentary lifetime membership as an RYT 100 (Registered Yoga Teacher) with the esteemed International Yoga Association. This membership not only recognizes your accomplishment but also opens up opportunities for growth and connection within the global yoga community. Additionally, you have the option to register as an RYT 100 (Registered Yoga Teacher at the 100-hour level) with Yoga Alliance, further enhancing your professional standing in the yoga field.

Read What Our Students Are Saying

Benedikt ZelzerBenedikt Zelzer
12:05 27 Jan 23
I stayed at this lovely place for 11 days. The accommodation is one of the best places I have ever been. A green calm island in Goa, perfect for doing yoga and meditation. The teachers were excellent and the food was delicious. The team was looking after all guests and their desires, so thx for your service! I will definitely recommend this yoga place for everyone!
16:18 23 Jan 23
I had an amazing experience with Oceanic Yoga in Goa. I stayed for a 7-day retreat and joined daily yoga classes, healing sessions, meditation and breathwork. The place is really nice! It feels like you are far away from the world in your own bubble. Somewhere in the jungle with a great view on the ocean. The swimming pool, the accommodation, the food, I really liked it!
Angela LAngela L
02:29 23 Dec 22
Attended Oceanic for my 200 YTTC in dec 2022 and has been an amazing experience. Everything from the hospitality, teaching, shala, room stay, food, understanding and patience of teachers, it was wonderful. There is a large sense of peace and intention from the staff, you sense the energy of the place. The room are very spacious with beautiful view of the sea and jungle. The food is so tasty and accommodating to the yogic lifestyle. The schedule of classes really expanded my knowledge of yoga from the physical, the anatomy, philosophical and the actual practice of it in every way of life. Gii and satyam was helpful in helping with anything we needed on and off the campus from taxi, buying gifts, coordinating a surprise bday for a fellow classmate. I met some great people that I will always remember. Highly recommended!
Dominika HalovaDominika Halova
06:39 15 Nov 22
When I decided to go to India for my first YTT (Yoga Teacher Training) I was really confused. Which school would be the right for me? Shall I go to Kerala, Rishikesh or Goa? The offer is huge. In the end I followed the recommendation of good friend of mine, who was living in India for almost two years. And I am glad, that I've got my training with Oceanic Team.I was searching for something more than, what I can get in Europe. I was searching for authenticity (as usual in my life :)). All of our Indian teachers live the/with the Yoga from early childhood and they are really devoted to the essence of it. Our European teacher brought nice balance in our Training, her knowledge about Western "Yoga business" and the needs of our future students was really helpful!!!In really short time we grew together in kind of harmonious Yoga family. But please, don't expect, that you'll be on holiday here. The guys take the thing serious and will push the best from you, with smile and kindness of course.WiFi: super strongWashing machine: availableArea: Super cleanFriendly stuffLocation: Quiet place in the jungle, but still 15 minutes walking distance to the seaAnd yeah, the food was divine! The guys in the kitchen put the level really high, after that the food in the restaurants in the area was never good enough. 😀
laura stanciulaura stanciu
14:01 19 Oct 22
It was my first trip in India and also the first time I was attending this type of retreat( which I decided to change it into RYT 100 certification) When I started searching for the retreat I wanted to find a place where I can feel safe while traveling alone, where I can relax and on the same time to learn new things about myself and what yoga and all this culture means. I found Oceanic yoga on the internet and I felt a good vibe from the first moment, I knew this is the place I would like to go. When I arrived here, it exceeded my expectations. In the middle of the nature, surrounded by trees and birds singing the whole day, and facing the ocean, it makes you relaxed straight away. I really love the family vibe I found here. From the managers to the people that work here, teachers and students, it felt like a big family living in the same place. They really took care of all our needs and requests, the food was so delicious, I never thought that it exists such a great variety of vegetarian dishes that can be cooked. The rooms are spacious, sparkling clean, with ac, and a beautiful terrace. The pool area has an amazing view of the ocean, really relaxing during the afternoon or after a long day. I learned a lot, not only on the physical aspect of yoga, but also on the spiritual side of it. The teachers are really friendly and with good knowledge and patience to make you understand the correct way of doing the poses, and also all the other aspects that make yoga such a beautiful lifestyle. It was one of the most powerful experiences I had the opportunity to live and I believe everyone, at a certain point in life or whenever they feel ready, should consider attending it. It's not only about learning new things it's about discovering who you really are. I would definitely come back. Thank you for making my experience so beautiful ❤️
Yashika GuptaYashika Gupta
04:53 30 Sep 22
"Good quality Yoga Teacher Training"- Skillful teachers with lots of in-depth knowledge - Very accommodating management. They did go beyond their responsibilities to assist us with whatever problems/issues we had - Excellent Accommodation - Great food! - Location: Very close to Ocean, but still far enough to make feeling that you are in lap of nature with lots of trees and greenery around. It is on a Small hillock with a view to Ocean. l a very good Atmosphere during all the whole 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training

Why Choose Oceanic Yoga?

100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training India Goa

  • The yoga teacher course Certification program is designed for people who are new to Yoga and who wish to learn the basics. The focus is on physical fitness, strength, relaxation, awareness, and spirituality. While no yoga style can be taught in one hundred hours, this course offers a good mix of traditional and modern styles.
  • A 100-hour yoga teacher training school in Rishikesh, India can be essential to a 200-hour or 500-hour Yoga Teacher Training course. It provides a basic understanding of Yoga and helps students build a solid foundation for their future teaching career.
  • We are located in Goa, the beach capital of India, providing a very conducive environment for learning and practicing Yoga.
  • The 100-hour course in India is designed to meet the standards of the World Yoga Alliance USA.
  • You will receive a much-needed combination of traditional Yoga teachings and modern scientific practice methods.
  • We ensure the soul of Yoga is transmitted to you and initiate you to be a yogi or yogini. Moreover, you will learn the spirit of sincerity and authenticity that epitomizes the true spirit of Yoga.
  • After completion of the course, you will receive a 100-hour yoga teacher training certificate.

Eligibility To Participate In The 100 Hour Yoga TTC

Choose 100 Hour Yoga TTC Package

Triple Sharing

with AC

€ 575

Twin Shared

with AC

€ 640

Private Room

with AC

€ 740


Most frequent questions and answers

Your Program includes your course fees, your accommodation charges, charges for 3-time meals.

We encourage you and your colleagues to focus on themselves during this intensive course you are participating and hence we strongly discourage any pets in the campus.

All our rooms in Goa ashram, both single and double rooms are air-conditioned and have an attached bathroom. All the bathrooms are connected to solar heated water connection. You are expected to bring all your toiletries, personal care, and towels by yourself. Even though we provide towels we recommend you also have it handy with you.

Ashram provides common washing machine access free of cost. You are expected to wash your laundry by yourself. Washing machines are for all ashrmites and one must be attentive and careful in handling them.

Yes, we have 3 free wifi points spread around the ashram campus.

We are strictly vegetarian and will not allow any non-vegetarian food inside the campus.

Strict NO for alcohol or any kind of smoking inside the campus. One may be asked to leave the course if found doing so.

Goa have two airports, Goa Dabolim International Airport(Old Airport – Approximately 2 hour drive from the ashram) and MOPA international airport (North Goa airport -New airport Approximately 1 hour drive from the ashram ). Once your course is booked and confirmed please contact us and we will assist you with taxis.

This course is taught in basic English because the students come from all over the world. If you can read an English magazine, you will be able to follow the course.

Everyone has some challenges, it is normal. Our teachers will teach you how to work with different challenges. It is also important to understand that discipline in daily practice is more important than achieving a perfectly flexible body and doing complicated asana postures.

Our 100 hour and 200-hour programs are designed for beginners who are willing to put their efforts to learn and go beyond their expectations about themselves.

There are no age limits as long as your body and mind is willing for the challenge ahead.

It is not mandatory that you need to read many books on yoga before you arrive. You will be provided with enough information hand outs once you are here. However, we have provided many valuable information in our knowledge centre. Please visit oceanicyoga.com and read.

We will be providing yoga mats and props for use. However, if one feels like doing yoga in once own mat, please carry them with you.

Yes, you will be awarded with a certificate post successful completion of this course. You must clear the exams designed for the same. However, one who is following the discipline and guidelines of the school will clear the exam. Requirement of attendance in each class is 100%. So far 99% of our students could clear the exam.

Yes, we do conduct meditations almost all days of the course. You will get exposure to many different meditations so that you can practice them on your own back home.

To register as an RYT 200, please go to the Yoga Alliance website and follow the registration process and pay their membership fees. During the process, you will be asked to upload a copy of your certificate issued by us. Once you have completed the application, we will receive a notification to check and verify your application. Once we verify, you will be registered.

This is a simple process.